This documentary follows the life and tales of Micah True, made well know by Christopher McDougall’s bestselling non-fiction book Born to Run. As an avid distance runner and someone who enjoyed McDougall’s book, it was a treat to understand more behind the quite man that was Caballo Blanco.
Throughout the documentary I gained a deeper appreciation Micah had for the love of running, community, and culture of the Tarahumara. Interviews from Micah, his friends and fellow runners interspersed with clips from the ultra marathon he created in Mexico’s Copper Canyon to promote and preserve the Tarahumara running tradition provided a clear vision of what Caballo Blanco was at his core: a big-hearted and humble man. While he lived a simple life, Micah was almost everything but that. The documentary crafts his story in a touching and intimate way that is easy to connect with.
After it’s 13th year, the Copper Canyon Ultra Marathon – now called Ultra Caballo Blanco, takes runners 50 miles along the beautiful Copper Canyon. As a runner I enjoyed learning and seeing more about the race but I felt a stronger connection with the passion that Micah had for running. He loved running. The simple activity provided freedom, satisfaction, independence and joy. This is also at the heart of why I run and think most runners and other athletes can easily relate.
The Boulder premiere, hosted on by Ultimate Direction, provided a special treat with the director Sterling Noren and executive producer Maria Walton sharing their thoughts on the process of making the documentary and the profound influence and inspiration that Micah had on their lives. It was clear this documentary came out of a genuine desire to honor Micah True and all that he did to touch the lives of those around him.
Run Free – The Story of Caballo Blanco, which won Best Documentary Award at the Arizona International Film Festival, will be released online (iTunes, Vimeo, Amazon) this fall. I recommend checking it out!