Who’s your friend on a powder day?
Doug Schnitzpahn
That patroller who says, “I’ll drop this rope just for you.”
Elizabeth O‘Connell
An Upslope Pale Ale, and a nip of ULLR.
Cameron Martindell
That’s a silly question.
Peter Kray
Whoever is on the lift with me.
Tom Winter
Everyone and no one: everyone at the front of the line who lets me in at the chair when I show up late for first chair, and no one at the top!
Sally Francklyn
What friends?
Andy Hawk
The truck driver who jackknifes his rig and blocks west-bound tunnel access for a few hours.
Ben Young
The burger and beer I get after!
Kelly Cassidy
When it dumps in Vail, my dad is my go-to friend to call. Even now, he’s still showing me secret stashes that he discovered when he moved to Vail in the 70s. I’d say I’m pretty lucky.