TGR Grom Contest–Vote for my Nephew!

Well, the timing couldn’t be better. The day after I post a tongue-in-cheek condemnation of helmet-cam “culture,” my nephew sends me the edit on his latest ski flick, most of which is shot on a helmet-cam. Doh!

Filmmaker Henry Coppolillo, 12 (left), showing his uncle around Bridger Bowl.

My nephew, Henry, is 12 and charges the Big Couloir at Big Sky and sends Hidden Gully at Bridger. There’s also quick snippet of him blasting a clay pigeon with a .410-gauge shotgun. What’s the next, the kid rapping in his own video? Epic!

Click on the link and you’ll jump to Teton Gravity Research’s contest for grom filmmakers. Give it a look and see if you dig. If so, click “yay” and put in your vote for Henry. I’m not sure what he wins…but it’s probably not a kick in the nuts…so vote!

Henry on a deep day at Bridger
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