Peak Freaks team members stands on top of the world!

May 13- 10:00hrs (Nepal Time) Safe and sound!..>

Team is all safe and sound now at the South Col. They are going to brew up, grab a snack and head down to Camp 2 together with the trio who have been waiting there for their return.

I’ve cracked that bottle of wine now and will be headed off to bed shortly. It was a long day and night for me as well as many of you who have been following along step by step.  Talk to you  in the morning…..< Becky Where is everyone now? (08:00hrs) NPT -They are on their way to the South Col, should be there in about 2 or 3 hours. They will rest and eat for about an hour then start their down climb to Camp 2 where they will stay for the night. Then if they are feeling good they can go down to base camp the next day or stay another night if needed at Camp 2.

BG is at Camp 2 now and may climb down to base camp tomorrow or wait there to join with the summit crew. Roger stayed on at base to hear the news of the summit team and is just now (08:00hrs) NP packing up to head on down the trail to Lukla.

Georgina, Kathy and Laura are also getting geared up to head down to Camp 2 with the summit crew when they are ready. I will report again when the summit crew has reached the South Col.  I can’t report on our Sherpa crew’s status of who is where because they are all over the place right now organizing empty bottles and carries of camp supplies back off the mountain over the next day or two. This is the second busy time of an expedition for our super heroes – cleaning the mountain off.

CORRECTION:  Ugh.. I hate doing this but Nelson Dellis made the very wise decision to turn back at the Hillary Step due to cold feet. This was extremely wise and you have no idea how proud I am of him for listening to Tim’s threats on what will happen if you don’t act on it in time and retreat.

The Sherpas were so excited when they radioed that they rattled off everyone’s names that were in the final push at the balcony and added Nelson in error. It happens…

WE HAVE SUMMITS!!!!!!!…. 11 stand on top!!!

On top at 04:00hrs in almost perfect calm conditions stood together the following on the top of the world!

  1. Kevin Farebrother (Australia)
  2. Jan Sinivaara (Germany/Spain)
  3. Pamela Pappas (USA)
  4. Javier Carvallo Coneras (Bolivia)
  5. Tsultirm Dorji Sherpa (Khunde)
  6. Phu Tashi Sherpa (Phortse)
  7. Palden Namgye Sherpa (Phortse)
  8. Dawa Cheri Sherpa (Khumjung)
  9. Dawa Chering Sherpa (Khunde)
  10. Sangye Phuri (Gadanga)
  11. Tsering Namgye Sherpa (Khumjung)

Angel and Tashi turned back together to receive everyone upon arrival at the col and to offer their professional assistance if needed. The way we do things up here… proud…. Becky

Base Camp was banging pots and pans and whooping it up when I was on the phone with Tim… Congratulations team, well done!

May 13: 04:08am (Nepal Time) Is it my eyes? Looks like Tashi’s signal is going back down however I just called and there no calls indicating they are turning back. These things aren’t completely reliable yet so I’m not concerned.

As well the weather is tipping more and more in our favour each couple of hours so that’s good. Mind you it’s only a report not local factors. … Stay tuned.. Becky

May 13: 01:27hrs (Nepal Time) Georgina Miranda had also turned back, now at the South Col with Laura and Kathy:

Moving ahead fast and furious is Pam, Angel, Javier, Nelson, Kevin and Jan and their accompanying Sherpas. We report on the Sherpa’s later on as they change positions as needed and there are a whole bunch of them so it would get overwhelming trying to keep track. Someone asked that question today so that’s why, plus other important reasons I will explain later on.

May 12: 23:55hrs (Nepal Time) Kathy Seitan and Laura Ross

Have just now turned back from the balcony 27500′ (8400 meters). We will get their story from them personally. A shout out to the two of them for giving it their best shot. They have a been an incredible inspiration to the team having been up here before and with their experience have kept everyone in line and true to their hearts.  Troopers :)

May 12: 22:00hrs (Nepal Time) SPOT…

Tashi’s spot is working SPOT on.. He is sending signals frequently so you can see the team moving forward. 3D Everest is suppose to linking with Tashi’s SPOT but I haven’t been able to figure it out. Work in progress!   I’m not sure who is with Tashi but they appear to be moving fast.

May 12: 21:00hrs (Nepal Time) We are going for it!

It was a long day at base camp with expedition leaders comparing weather reports. There was a wind cast thrown into the perfect picture scheduled for late the morning of the 13th. Our charts now show it as backing off to the 14th and it was calm when the team left around 19:00hrs.

Some of my educators in reading weather remind me that reports are good but also work into the mix local factors including experience with patterns in this region and one of the most comforting is the observations the Sherpa people of the region make.  All checks out so our team is going for it and will turn back without hesitation if things change.

You’re not going to get a report till about 14:30hrs (PST) as they are in the shadow of the mountain, between the South Col and South summit where radio transmissions can’t get out. However we have ways to relay messages in the event of an emergency and our support team is standing by.

Enjoy this creative piece by Canadian climber Jerry Auld. I’m sure there are many climbers who can relate.

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