Well, have we finally gotten our chunk of high pressure, clear nights, and good solar? I’m hoping for a tour on Longs this week, so I’m wondering what you’re all seeing out there. Good corn? Solid freezes way up high?!
It’s been another weird spring, with big storms, a dust layer, and cloudy nights. The cloudy nights hold in the longwave radiation, thereby preventing a solid freeze-up and with warm temps during the day…that means poor stability. The weather stations show barely-freezing overnight temps at 9500 feet…I’d imagine at 12,500 it’s plenty cold…but I haven’t been up since last weekend, so drop me a line and let me know what you’ve been seeing. Good corn? Unfrozen mush? A good week for Longs?
I’m hoping my editor will crack and come along…but he’s responsible for the ship, so he’s more tied down than me. For now. Twins due in July…get the last skiing of the year, then hunker down!
Hope to hear from you…and see you on the mountain bike, soon!