It’s that time again. Time to make plans to do better, be more fit, try new things and day dream about what you will be up to in 2016. Here at EO, we thought we’d challenge you to a few resolutions that every outdoor enthusiast should have in mind as we step into the new year.
1. Make time to be outside every day. Even if it’s a walk around the neighborhood. Fresh air, movement and the beauty of Colorado are top on our list of resolutions.

2. Try a new sport. If you’ve always dreamed of getting into the backcountry to ski, schedule a guided trip. Ice climbing is pretty cool (see EO contributor Jordan Martindell get on the ice for the first time)… so is SUP (Stand Up Paddleboarding). Whatever you’ve been dreaming of doing, make firm plans now for 2016.

3. Use that gear that fills your garage or spare closet. If you felt the need to buy a fly rod in 2015 and didn’t use it as much as you wanted, resolve yourself to get use out of that investment. Same goes for those new snow boots you had to have. Make sure they aren’t just transporting you from your front door to your car on snowy mornings. Get out there and USE IT!
4. Volunteer for a Trail Cleanup Day. Keep our local trails amazing and spend some solid time outside at the same time! Open Space and County crews will give you all the instruction you need, just bring water and energy. Check out Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (

5. Bring your friends into the wilderness. There’s no better place to bond with a good buddy or family member. Challenge your non-outdoorsy friends to join you on your adventures this year and get to know them on a totally different level.
We have some resolutions of our own to share as well. Maybe putting them online will help us follow through!
- To work harder to bring people of all political persuasions together to talk and care about conservation and protect our wild lands. – Doug, EO Editor in Chief
- Introduce my 2 year old daughter to skiing and more outdoor adventures. – Cameron, EO Managing Editor
- Ski more tree runs. – Elizabeth, EO Publisher
- Find new backcountry camping spots, and use them! – Elizabeth, EO Publisher
- Finally knock off that 14er! – Ben, EO Account Executive
- Go on a multi-day bike packing trip. – Chris, EO Senior Editor
- Do more multi-pitch ice climbs AND lead an ice climb or two or three. – Chris, EO Senior Editor
- Through hike the Sawatch Range (aka Nolans 14). – Chris, EO Senior Editor
- Overcome my fear of rock climbing. – Jordan, EO Contributing Writer
- Become significant enough in the outdoor industry so that Ben Moon wants to include me in his portrait series. – Sidni, EO Contributing Writer
- Produce my first film. – Sidni, EO Contributing Writer
- More risks (risks = potentially amazing things happening in your life) – Sidni, EO Contributing Writer
- Complete 1 full year of 10,000 steps per day – Melissa, EO Business Manager
- Get away from my desk more – Megan, EO Art Director
- Ski the Swiss Alps – Hudson, EO Contributing Writer
- Not drink any craft beer owned by a large conglomerate – Hudson, EO Contributing Writer
- Ride my bike up Alpe d’Huez – Hudson, EO Contributing Writer
We want to know what you think. Share your resolutions below!