SoftFlasks Push Hydration Convenience Factor

In what may actually be a new category, and at the very least an innovative new product, within the hydration market, Hydrapak, leading global supplier of active-lifestyle hydration equipment, announced that its new SoftFlask line will be launching at retail this Fall.

The malleable little flasks with a waterbottle bite-valve are ideal for filling with your own homemade energy formulas, squeezing a few gu packets into to prevent waste and mess on the trail, or for that little bit of liquid you will inevitably need (or liquid courage, in some cases). While Platypus and Vapur have been producing similar soft-sided water bottles for several seasons, this new material is revolutionary for its “scrunchability.” The ISPO award-winning design is extremely lightweight and offered in five sizes; the flasks are designed for running, cycling, skiing, hiking and climbing. Highly functional for hydration, fueling or recreational use, the SoftFlasks are ideal for the outdoor minimalist and ultralight trainer.

“The SoftFlask replaces a stiff bottle with a soft bottle that collapses as the water is consumed and uses the same materials as Hydrapak’s  legendary hands-free hydration,” explained Hydrapak Director of Engineering Sam Lopez. “They are as easy to use as sipping from a straw and it’s pretty awesome how much space you can save as they collapse.”

Expanding on the first models– the SF150 (5 oz.) and SF250 (8 oz.) – primarily used as gel flasks –  Hydrapak’s new, larger SF350 (12 oz.), SF500 (17 oz.) , and SF750 (25 oz.),  water-centric SoftFlasks feature a wider cap with shut-off option for easy filling and security with silicon bite valves for maximum flow. Additional features include optional carry straps and dust covers.

Created in 2001, Hydrapak was part of the personal hydration system revolution and is an OEM for other top hydration pack manufacturers. The company produces a line of custom-built hydration backpacks, reservoirs and bottles for skiing/riding, biking, hiking and running.  To view all drink systems and components visit


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