Stellar Weather!

May 6, 2011: 21:00hrs (Nepal Time) Still a beauty up there…

A few days back wind was predicted up high for tonight and blowing till early on the 8th. The team plans to climb to C3 tomorrow, hang out and retreat to C2. If the wind doesn’t kick them too hard. If it does, no worries, go the next day when it is suppose to back off again. Time is on our side! Tim seems to think everyone can handle it.

Everyone had a great day and are all sleeping peacefully at C2.

We got word that Desh is stable and in good hands in Kathmandu hospital. He has to undergo surgery to deal with the two ulcer holes in his stomach. Tim said it was a blessing that his condition came to a head while here. Otherwise he would have been down in his home village where he lives below Lukla with no help to get him out to a hospital. The mountains have brought considerable fortune to the people of the Himalayas. It’s lure for climbing has brought aid projects, income, education, transportation, health and health care. Never mind the vibrant economy that spins off the industry in Kathmandu. It’s a gear shop mecca with abundant trekking companies, hotels, restaurant and the textile industries. The Khumbu climbing scene alone generates 1.2 million a year in peak fee royalties never mind the hundreds employed transporting goods to the tea houses, purchasing power to by animals for carrying and helping till the ground for food. It’s a great feeling to see that such a healthy sport can give back so much to a country and to know that we are part of it. All for the love of mountains, how cool is that?

That’s all for now… back at ya tomorrow…. Becky

May 6, 2011: 10:00hrs (Nepal Time) Stellar weather!!! as far as I can see.

We are in good form up on the mountain. All camps are stocked. Our Sherpa crew is resting at EBC from all their hard work. The members team is having a great sleep in at Camp 2 this beautiful morning. It’s a day off today with nothing to do but eat, drink and be merry.

Unfortunately being merry does not include everyone. Matt Wozniak has been battling affects from altitude, it happens. You just never know who it might happen to or when. He opted to rest at EBC when the team retreated to Pheriche this past week to work on getting his energy up. During that time there was a lot of analyzing on what exactly was going on with his body chemistry. Together Tim and Angel with their 50+ collective years of high altitude experience couldn’t seem to correct or find a solution to his rapid muscle degradation. The fighter he is, he wanted to at least try to push yesterday with the team but it was soon evident he had to retreat for safety reasons. Angel brought him back down to camp.

Good effort Matt…. those who know him know that summiting Everest is certainly within his reach. He will be heading out down the valley tomorrow with great memories of this place, the journey and new friends for a lifetime.

The team will certainly miss having him around physically but at the same time they know his support in a spiritual sense will be with the them. Matt, you rock!

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