We know Montbell as a place to get quality outdoor gear and excellent customer service. However, it is more than just that. After 40 years in business, Montbell has established itself as a prestigious outdoor brand and has also played a large role in making the world a better place.
In 1969, founder Isamu Tatsuno climbed the north wall of the Eiger in Switzerland and became inspired to create outdoor gear that was light and fast, and able to be effective in extreme conditions. “We want to make products that we ourselves would want to use in the field” says CEO Tatsuno. And that is exactly what Montbell has done. Through the exploration of different technologies, Montbell created products that wouldn’t hinder exploration of the great outdoors. For example, Montbell engineered a sleeping bag that we would be more inclined to carry by using light Dacron fibers instead of standard polyester fibers making the sleeping bag much lighter.
Montbell emphasizes the importance of an interactive design process. This means that the company relies heavily on staff input and product simulations. The facilities in Japan test different weather situations, and insures the durability of their products. Tents, for example, are tested for durability in a room that simulates high winds. Montbell even has simulations for materials that would be used in jungle conditions. In a controlled environment, these materials are tested for their durability in extremely humid conditions.
The company began in Japan, but 40 years later, Montbell has established stores all across the world. Most stores are located in Japan, (they even have one that has a restaurant!) but now stores are located in Boulder, Oregon, Switzerland, Nepal, South Korea, China, Singapore and Tawain.
A part of what makes Montbell so unique is the involvement in the outdoor community. The Montbell Outdoor Challenge (MOC) takes customers into the outdoors on different trips guided by Montbell staff. Activities include hikes, snowshoeing and rafting and are suited for all experience levels.

Photo courtesy of Montbell

Photo courtesy of Montbell
The Sea to Summit, which began in 2009, is an event focused on environmental awareness. Participants “go against the natural water cycle” by first paddling through the sea in a kayak then traveling to the foothills of the mountains via bicycle, and finally climbing to the summit of the mountain. This event has been held 24 times in seven different locations. Throughout the event, environmental symposiums are held to develop a deeper understanding of nature.

Photo courtesy of Montbell
Montbell has accomplished a lot these past 40 years, and they are ambitious to see what the next 40 years will bring. Active female employee input has evolved the clothing and gear catered to women, and so has customer feedback.
“Many new products and line evolution is based on our employees’ valuable ideas and suggestions. Obviously the extremely active set female employees have definitely taken a huge role in improving our line-up. Additionally, we make sure that anyone affiliated with customer service in our organization has a finely tuned ear for constructive user feedback. It is in our DNA to empower them to forward observations, trends, successes, and opportunities through the development phase of product management,” said Yusuke Igarashi, Montbell’s marketing manager.
Igarashi said that he doesn’t know what Montbell will be doing differently in ten years, but he said, “We will continue to follow our motto and goal of ‘providing high quality products at a reasonable price, with excellent service,’ and aim to be a leading-edge brand highly sought after and desired by those with a passion for the outdoors.”
Montbell has advanced the outdoor gear and clothing industry these past 40 years, and their plans for the future indicate that they are only going up from here.