Trail Mix – Free Music Download – Big Star, Bear’s Den, Field Report and More

“Dad, isn’t that the theme song to That ‘70s Show?”

My son, John Patrick, and I had just hopped in the van to run some errands and I had tossed the Live in Memphis, the recently released live recording from Big Star, into the cd player, when he lobbed that query at me.

Having little tolerance for vapid sitcoms (sorry, Ashton), my only response was, “Hell if I know.” I was then struck by the thought that, unknowingly, my son was hip to Big Star, the Memphis rock band that was alternative long before radio made it cool in the mid-1990s.

I found that refreshing.

Turns out that “In the Street,” the first track on Live in Memphis, is the title track to That ‘70s Show. While this won’t have me running to Hulu to catch up on old episodes, I would like to toss out kudos of the show for selecting a pretty killer track for their theme song.

Trail Mix is also stoked to have Big Star here on the November mix. Check out “Daisy Glaze,” taken from Live in Memphis, the only known Big Star that was professionally filmed, which is now out there and available on both CD and DVD.

There’s lots of other great music available this month, too. Check out brand new tracks from Bear’s Den, a great up and coming trio from Great Britain, and Field Report. Julian Lage and Chris Eldridge return to the mix with their acoustic magic, and the mix is happy to feature a new cut from Front County, one of the few bands to have won both the Rockygrass and Telluride bluegrass band competitions.

Cale Tyson, with his new spin on old country, and Josh Oliver, one of East Tennessee’s finest songwriters, return to the mix this month, as does Josh Daniel, of The New Familiars, though he does so with a track from his latest sonic foray, The Josh Daniel/Mark Schimick Project.

Trail Mix is also happy to welcome newcomers like Springtime Carnivore, Scott Ainslie, DRGN KING, Jack Kerowax, The Dead Ships, and all of the other artists that round out this fantastic collection of music.

As always, spread the word about Trail Mix. Play it loud. Play it often. Tell a friend. And, of course, buy these records. This music is just too good to not purchase.

Download this month’s playlist here.

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